Registration & Camp Information JOYL spring

registration & information

wINTER jUNIOR oUTDOOR yOUTH lEADERSHIP (wjoyl)- ages 12 to 14

cOST: $650.00

NOW: $400.00


Drop-off, Sunday, March 24th between 2:00pm & 3:00pm - Pick-up, Friday, March 29th between 2:00pm & 3:00pm

The Winter Junior Outdoor Youth Leadership (WJOYL) program runs alongside our Winter Outdoor Youth Leadership (WOYL) program, and serves as a foundational step in leadership development. It emphasizes the refinement of essential skills through engaging activities and games. Campers embark on a leadership journey in a safe and supportive environment where they will learn to collaborate, enhance communication skills, resolve conflict, listen actively, and make new friends! The Winter JOYL program will provide Campers with the necessary prerequisites for the Summer OYL program. Winter JOYL offers a streamlined path to OYL, ensuring a quick progression through to the Counsellor in Training program(CIT).  

Ages: 12 to 14

JOYL - $400.00