Columbia Outdoor School Past and Present...
Columbia Outdoor School is a locally based Registered Charity dedicated to providing quality outdoor and environment education to youth. Educational programming has been developed to give students a hands-on experience in the outdoors. The best way to learn, is to get involved and that is how Columbia Outdoor School has been organized.
Officially opened in 1977, Blue Lake Camp has developed strong ties with local schools and has become a valuable resource for teachers in achieving science and environment curriculum requirements. We have many personal bonds within the communities of the Kootenays and now have children of past campers attending the camp.
The Society continues to expand operations and educational opportunities for students and campers. New programs focused on Leadership, Experiential Education, Sustainability and S.T.E.M are being developed. We strive to ensure quality and relevant education by providing more opportunities to more individuals.
To do this we need your support. Individuals, groups and businesses—we need your help with this exciting development. Your Lifetime membership contribution will make a difference, either developing new educational programs or assisting with day-to-day Centre operations.
A Lifetime membership with Columbia Outdoor School comes with benefits as well! As a member you will get first choice and notice of our programs and special events that we have, as well as a voting member with our organization at our Annual General Meeting. Your vote and input will help drive and guide the organization forward.
NOT AVAILABLE BETWEEN DECEMBER 15TH AND FEBRUARY 3RD. Please support Columbia Outdoor School today - Call 250-426-3676 or email
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