First Thursday's

First Thursday’s with

Columbia Outdoor School

“Homeschool Outdoor School!”


Curriculim connected outdoor education

Columbia Outdoor School is offering a solution for homeschooling parents and students who could use a little help meeting BC Curriculum requirements. Our certified BC teacher, Sparkie is passionate about connecting students with the outdoors, each other and their learning experience. Experiential outdoor education is one of the most beneficial learning tools we can use to help teach our kids. Our First Thursday’s program is all outdoors, and follows the latest Covid- 19 protocols. With outdoor and experiential education in the forefront in BC schools, Columbia Outdoor School has 40+ years’ experience delivering these Big Ideas and Core Competencies with incredible success. Our teaching themes and locations will change each month, please check back to our website for the latest information.

First Thursday- November 5th, 2020
Location: Idlewild Park, Fire Pit at the top of the toboggan hill.
10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Most appropriate for Grades 4-8, Ages 7-15 may attend.
$35 per day, per student

All About Bats Sched.jpg

Curriculum Goals and Outcomes

  • All living things sense and respond to their environment (grade 4)

  • Multicellular organisms have organ systems that enable them to survive and interact within their environment (grade 5 and 6)

  • Evolution by natural selection provides and explanation for the diversity and survival of living things. (grade 7)

  • Energy can be transferred as both a particle and a wave. (grade 8)

  • Life processes are preformed at the cellular level. (grade 8)

    What to bring:

  • Water Bottle

  • Outdoor Clothing, lots of layers, hats, gloves, snow pants, etc. We are outside all day!

  • Snacks

  • Small backpack