kimberley dynamiters auction fundraiser
nitro’s support inclusion in camp!
Thank you to Kimberley Dynamiters Hockey for choosing to support our #inclusion program with their Autism Jersey Fundraising CAMPaign. We believe that every child should get to experience the magic of camp, and work very hard to keep our program inclusive, fun and safe for everyone. #LetsGoNitros #SmallTownHockey #KimberleyBC #SummerCamp #InclusionMatters
To learn about Blue Lake Camp’s Inclusion Program CLICK HERE
january 21 ‘til january 28th, 2023
Dynamiters Autism Awareness Jersey Fundraiser
Check out Kootenay Fundraiser Facebook page @KootenayFundraiser to bid on the jerseys between January 21st 8:00am to January 28th 9:00pm.
All the proceeds will go to Blue Lakes Inclusion Program or possibly a weekend camp for kids with autism (dependent on funding amounts, more info below).
auction and fundraiser
Blue Lake Camp Staff will be at the Nitro’s game for the January 21st for the puck drop of the auction to answer any questions you might have.
100% of the money raised will go to supporting our Inclusion Program. We have a variety of opportunities to support the Nitro’s initiative that are 100% dependent on how much support the community throws at this initiative.
For more information about our Inclusion Program: CLICK HERE
1. Provide funding to the 1:1 support workers a child might need
2. We could hire 1:1 staff who have experience working with kids who have special needs. Right now, we train all of our staff about inclusion, but having regular counsellors who are not assigned to a cabin and have the experience to work in a 1:1 capacity makes the experience better for everyone, and opens up more options.
3. We could offer a weekend camp for kids with Autism and their families to come out and have their own time. This would likely happen this fall.
4. All of the above!
ABOUT OUR Inclusion program:
Blue Lake Camp provides the opportunity for campers who have exceptional needs to attend our camp and participate in all of the activities! Most of our exceptional campers do not require a 1:1 to come to Blue Lake, give us a call and we will be happy to set up a program for your child to make sure they have an awesome week at camp!
To learn about Blue Lake Camp’s Inclusion Program CLICK HERE